Illustration Portfolio

Red Eye to Origami Land (2023)

This project was a six page graphic novel that a group of classmates and I worked on for class. It follows Max, a young boy who desperately wants a cat. At night, he folds an origami crane that takes him to Origami Land, which is filled with origami cats. One cat comes with Max back to his home, and it turns into a real cat while Max is sleeping.

We were inspired by the series “Adventure Time”, and tried to mimic the style.

I worked primarily on character design and digitizing.

Eidar the Bold Goes to Heaven (2023)

This is a children’s book I illustrated, written by Eric Nelson. It follows the adventures of a viking warrior seeking Valhalla.

The style we chose was inspired by Shel Silverstein, and Dr. Seuss’.

Here are a few of the illustrations I did for the book.

For Those Who Breath Water (2023)

These are some drawings I created and then digitized for a short book. It has an underlying dark theme, as it follows a boy from an abusive household who discovers a mermaid in the pool. The story shifts as the boy then decides to find the lake where the mermaid is from and they return, only for him to join her in the depths.